To be honest I logged in tonight feeling inspired to write something profound. After all, with a view like this who wouldn’t be inspired?
And as if this view wasn’t inspiration enough there is the added bonus of sitting in a very quiet hotel room. No, I have not left my family although as I sit in a room that someone else has cleaned, watching a TV show I picked, and not screaming at anyone to do homework or get ready for bed I must admit that the idea of not returning to our insane asylum has actually crossed my mind! The truth of the matter is I am traveling this week to a client site in Montana and I thought I might find something profound to share, some words of great wisdom that have been rattling around in my head but to be honest….I got nothing! In fact, I think I’ll crawl in to bed, find a movie I want to watch and hopefully fall asleep peacefully and not from sheer exhaustion….
Here’s to a more insightful post in the near future and more business trips to quiet hotel rooms!