Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am thankful for….

I think it’s pretty typical to spend some time this week reflecting on what we’re thankful for. I know I never let the kids dig into the turkey without them telling us at least three things they’re thankful for. This year Max was asked to do a similar exercise at school, each student wrote a “gratitude journal”. On Tuesday Max’s class held their Thanksgiving musical and parents had a chance to peek at their child’s journal. Before I opened Max’s journal I joked with Michele that Max had probably written that he was thankful for Happy Meals and Sponge Bob. What I wasn’t prepared for was his first journal entry: “I am thankful and have gratitude for all the doctors and nurses who worked hard to save me.” Wow……

How do you beat that? Tomorrow as we sit around the table poised to consume way too much food followed by a nap on the sofa while we watch way too much football I know my mind will wonder to my son’s wisdom. Perhaps we have all lost our perspective on this holiday; perhaps we needed a child to remind us what the fourth Thursday in November is really about. It’s about giving thanks for the big, the small and most importantly the miraculous.

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, reflective Thanksgiving.

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