Everyone is present and accounted for….I started to feel guilty about making a break for it. Not so much because I thought better of abandoning my offspring, I know they can fend for themselves, I just didn’t have the heart to leave the dog defenseless and at the mercy of the kids (who it should be noted begged for the cute puppy but will not feed him, give him water or walk him without a civil insurrection). So here I am on day eleven and I must say we truly do have a sort of system going, it’s grueling but so far we’re all in one piece and at this point that’s the only measure of success I’m willing to go with – I feel it’s best to set the bar low.
During the last week and a half I’ve learned a few things, nuggets of knowledge if you will, that I thought worth sharing:
- Kids can get tired of fast food.
- One person cannot do the work of two people even if one of those people is the husband whose productivity you have until now held in question.
- My children have no idea how to empty a dishwasher, fold laundry or take out trash. Evidently this is an over 40 skill set.
- The only thing worse than two squabbling siblings is two siblings united against their mother.
- Messing with Max is dangerous business. When angry at being pushed to do something as mundane as putting his shoes on for school he will either tell me that he wishes I was the one that went away (ouch) or, my personal favorite, “You’re not my Mom!”…..right, because I look stupid enough to have stuck around for the last seven years without a biological link!
- Thirteen year old girls really do have attitude, especially at 5:30am.
- And my all time favorite…..wine is indeed good for your health…your mental health that is.
Well, it's past my bed time and since my to-do list for today still has a few items left on it I'd better get moving before it's time to start tomorrow's to-do list. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!