Max has always had a very keen sense of his surroundings, his "people" (as he calls us), and the general state of all things important. So recently I started to take note of some of Max's one-liners, some I have heard firsthand from my son, others unfortunately have been shared with "outsiders" suggesting that more people than I know are privy to the insanity of this family. These thoughts are in no particular order mostly because you just can't organize crazy.
- Our house is OK.....if you like loud.
- Ellie is as crazy as hot sauce.
- Mommy and Daddy can't love one another anymore -- they're married!
- Do all Moms drink wine when they make lunch? (Hey wait, I wasn't drinking it I was cooking with it....)
- I don't have to do what my parents tell me to do because they can't remember what they told me to do.....(has my son pre-diagnosed us with Alzheimer's?)
- Daddy didn't used to yell but he lives with Mom and we all know how that goes....
I could probably continue this list but I think I've embarrassed us enough for one night.....
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend all!