Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Late Breaking News....

I just got off the phone with Max's genetics counselor at Johns Hopkins, Max is officially scheduled for his yearly testing and cardiac evaluation the week of March 22nd. I knew this was coming but dates, confirmations, etc. always make me emotional -- mostly because everything now becomes concrete so I can start worrying about any potentially bad news we might receive while we're there. I know I should remain optimistic but I am a mother (an Italian one at that) and so I fret!

I guess for now I can stress myself out with all the travel arrangements that need to be made…anybody out there own a private jet they’re willing to loan us, if not a xanax might work :)?


Ann said...

I just made all my appointments for St. Louis today. We won't be going until October, but Mark is already dreading the drive. Hope your visit to Hopkins is both beneficial and uneventful.

Vicki said...

No jet, but we have Xanax :)