Thursday, May 27, 2010

And so it ends…..

Today is the last day of school for Max and Ellie, 3rd and 9th grade are officially things of the past! The final days of the school year always bring their own excitement and anxiousness for the kids. There are final exams to take, teacher gifts to prepare, desks to clean out (something tells me Max’s teacher sighed a big sigh of relief when Max did his desk, my son’s strong suit is NOT housekeeping so I am fairly certain he spent the year with papers, books, pencils, etc. spilling out of his desk) and end-of-the-year parties to attend.

For me the last days of school are a time for reflection. I ask myself if my children have grown academically and socially. Are they more mature, independent, and responsible individuals? The answers to these questions are always yes, both Ellie and Max have made much progress this year. Ellie has completed the first year of high school and although the road was sometimes bumpy she survived (and so did we!) and even flourished.

As for Max, ah, Max….his is a story all by itself. Last night as I sat writing a thank you note to the teacher who helped Max with much of his work this year I had a huge lump in my throat because I know that a big part of Max’s success this year has been a direct result of her love and appreciation of who Max is. Some of you who keep up with the blog know that months ago as school started I wrote about the trepidation I always feel in the beginning of the school year about Max and new teachers. In my heart I know it is a special soul who can see past Max’s medical issues to truly appreciate his quirkiness, sharp wit, and eagerness to please. This teacher has done just that and she will never know the extent of what this means to me! I know my son has much to offer and teach us and I spend a lot of time convincing people of this, not everyone listens. But this teacher did and she came to see in Max all he is and all he can be and she nurtured this and taught him so much – I’d like to think the teaching was mutual. I’d like to think that she will carry these experiences with Max into her next year of student teaching and in every year to follow. Oh how lucky the children she teaches will be!

And so it ends….and begins….watch out Michele, the summer has started in full swing! Thank God I go to work every day!

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