Sunday, February 6, 2011

Scratch Boring.....

I know I've said this a million times but here goes a million and one.....when will I ever learn to keep my BIG mouth shut?

Friday evening as I came through the door from work, Max ran up to hug me and I felt as if I was being squeezed by an electric blanket. A few minutes and a thermometer later and we knew why, he was sporting a temp of 102.5. This leads me to question number one, how on earth does a kid who finished a ten day round of antibiotics less than 48 hours earlier end up sick again? Oh right, I forgot this is Max, our possibilities are endless. Endless but not always positive.

Saturday morning arrives and we're still at 102.5, have a cough, and a river of snot so off we go to the pediatrician. An exam, a swab, and 15 minutes later we have a diagnosis.....H1N1.....again! So question number two, how does the same kid get the same flu vaccine two years in a row and get the same H1N1 flu two years in a row?

We truly do need to start buying lottery tickets, the way we beat the odds time and time again leads me to believe we're owed at least one "positive" jackpot. Not just the medically impossible one.....

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