Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hopkins - Day One

Our mini-vacay in DC is over and although it was great it was way too short! Today was the start of the "real fun" a.k.a. pre-op appointments and testing. Max's first appointment was with anesthesiology, during the consult Max decided to be goofy and when they asked him if his neck ever hurts he quickly responded, "Oh sure lately it hurts a lot." What the heck? Obviously Max was just clowning around but the doctors took it seriously and now we have to see the orthopedist too. I swear if his neck didn't hurt before it will now when I break it!

We also did Max's eight week post-surgery check-up for his eyes and much as we suspected the surgery was not a complete success. It did correct some of the problems but it was so late in the game (i.e., the issues should have been addressed years ago but we couldn't convince the doctor in Phoenix to do anything) that going any further would have caused Max to have double vision when looking at things close up. We discussed using the eye drops again and the doctor thought it would be a reasonable way to see if that doesn't bring Max's eyes closer in.

Our appointments continue tomorrow and we've warned Max that if he invents any other new "symptoms" when the doctors ask him questions we will be happy to abandon him on the nearest inner-city street corner. I'd like to think that this would scare him straight but we all know Max will do anything for a laugh!

Stay tuned.....

1 comment:

Chris A said...

Thinking about you constantly! So grateful for your update.

*Holding you close*

with Hope,
~ Chris A ~