Friday, December 2, 2011

The Hike to Hopkins

Sunday’s the big day…the pilgrimage back to Baltimore will commence! I’d like to say that we’re packed and ready to go but alas that is not the case. One would think that having done this trip at least a dozen times I would have it down pat but somehow I do not. Perhaps I’m so good at it I no longer fret over the details, perhaps I’m just plain lazy and unmotivated, but the most likely cause is that I just don’t want to go!

There are several reasons for this: one, it’s December in Maryland which means cold and gray weather, two, the week is never anything more than a medical marathon running from appointment to appointment to appointment, and last, but most IMPORTANT is that I panic about receiving bad news. This past year has been so tumultuous I just don’t think we can handle much else so we’re asking everyone for prayers for only good news!

I’ll be updating all next week so feel free to check back in, have a great weekend!

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