Thursday, October 8, 2009


This week we have been in “quarantine mode”. Ellie was the first to fall over the weekend with a super high temp (103.8), sore throat, and a cough that would scare just about anyone. As we started our week things just went downhill fast. On Monday I had Michele take Ellie into the pediatrician, fully expecting a diagnosis of the common flu or at worst strep throat. But as we all know nothing is that simple at our house. I soon got a frantic phone call from Michele saying Ellie was positive for H1N1 (a.k.a. Pig Flu to the kids) and Dr. Schwartz wanted us all treated immediately before Max got it. Too late. I picked up a very snotty, wheezy child from school not much after Ellie’s official diagnosis. Max was already down for the count. And so it begins…..

I was able to get our prescriptions filled for Tamiflu with little problem (if you overlook the cost of the stuff) but Max’s pediatric dose was nowhere to be found, anywhere, anyhow in a thirty mile radius of the house. Seems the pharmaceutical company didn’t see fit to produce any in time for the flu season….maybe by November I was told. Now in an absolute panic as I watch Max’s breathing getting rougher and rougher I realized a trip to the hospital might not be far off because it would be the only place we could find the right dose. In my desperation to avoid “dirty” hospitals I called a local compounding pharmacy which was able to make me some from scratch (Max’s interpretation of the situation). Yet another disaster evaded by no less than 30 – 40 phone calls on my part.

So the kids have been home all week much to Michele’s chagrin and won’t be allowed back to school until after Fall Break which is next week. I have found that once I mention that my children have been ill with this dreaded flu people tend to take a HUGE step back as if we have the plague. I must admit the first couple of days were crappy but not much more than any other flu would be, in fact, I think Ellie was sicker than Max. Michele is now convinced the whole thing may be hype produced by the pharmaceutical companies and the media. Who knows, I just hope we can check this one off our list of maladies.

As always, thanks for checking in!


Ann said...

I'm 100% with Michele on the whole H1N1 hype. It's the flu. Yes, it sucks and you feel like crap, but 99% of the population will get through it like they do any other flu. If I was you, I think I'd almost be happy (in a strange sort of way) to have the damn thing out of the way with my kids. Now, at least you can relax a bit. It's good to hear that everyone is on the mend. Hugs my friend.

Vicki said...

So glad the kids are better. Anthony had the flu recently (they didn't test for what kind) & we had trouble finding the child's dose, too. Found it at Wal Mart, and he had a quick recovery. Hope you and Michele don't get it, or at least if you do the kids are well enough to take care of you!