Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back to School Musings

Tomorrow is the first day of school. What this means for the kids is the excitement of a new backpack, getting the teacher they really, really wanted, and seeing their friends after a long, hot summer. What it means for me is many hours spent school supply shopping yet I have only purchased a fraction of the supplies on the lists received at “Back to School” night. I’m not sure but I think the public school system receives kickbacks from Staples, Office Max, and Target. If they don’t, they should. I have filled out the requisite pages and pages of “new school year” paperwork.

Both of these activities have lead me to one very important suggestion to the School Board – please, please, please DO NOT hold “Back to School Night” the evening before school starts. Do you have any idea what the Target parking lot looks like right after this event? Crazed mothers clutching the supply list they received just moments before makes the day after Thanksgiving shopping rush look like a stroll in the park. These are women on a mission, often with whining children in tow begging for something that isn’t even on “The List”, how utterly dare they?! Furthermore, do these people have any idea how long it takes to fill out page after page of forms (times 2 for two kids – heaven help larger families!)?

So because I’m never shy about offering my opinion up I’m going to pop the following note into the school’s suggestion box:

Dear Mr. School Board Person-

Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the mother of two students in your school district. I would like to make you aware of a few pieces of information you might find valuable when scheduling next year’s back to school events. This last minute practice of yours is killing innocent mothers! Is it actually possible for you to be even less organized than I am?

Please understand that although I love a good fight over the last package of index cards in the school supply aisle as much as the next mom I feel a line must be drawn at the tug-o-war I witnessed over the last Mario-Cart thermos.

Also, I know you think our children should be helping us fill out their own forms but I must ask you, have you ever seen their handwriting? Perhaps this leads to another point, whatever happened to teaching penmanship? Never mind I’ll leave that for another suggestion box entry….


A Mom on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

Happy School Year All!

1 comment:

KateGladstone said...

Ah -- another school not teaching handwriting?
Try these, to fill the gap:
