Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend Wrap-up

Because in this house we live by the adage of “never a dull moment” our weekend kicked-off with a bang! After returning from Max’s first flag football game of the season (or at least his shortened season), we found Ellie at home obviously not feeling well. As the evening progressed, because an emergency just isn’t an emergency if it doesn’t happen after midnight on a weekend, Michele felt we needed to take her to the ER. By “we” I mean “me”, evidently as far as my husband is concerned I am the queen of the ER and the bypassing of all lines and wait times, after nine years with Max I must confess he’s right.

And thus began our “ER Drill” I quickly washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on my “ER sweats” (yes, I really do have clothes set aside for ER runs, those places are cold and germy and I’m not looking to win any beauty contests when I get there). I admit once we got there I may just have broken my own best time, we arrived at the ER around 1 am and Ellie was home and tucked into her own bed by 3, sleeping peacefully after a shot or two of morphine (who wouldn’t be?). Now I admit Ellie and her stomach virus are much easier to manage medically than Max would be with any of his myriad of ailments so I might not truly have any bragging rights on my personal best time on this one but a girl’s got to take whatever accolades she can get! I’m happy to report that Ellie is back to her old self: computer in one hand, phone in the other as she plans her Fall Break activities with friends. Love those Friday night fire-drills!

On the Max front, our plans for Hopkins continue to unfold. It has, unfortunately, been decided that Max will have to have surgery to biopsy his liver. We had been hoping and praying that his most recent labs which indicated an improvement in his elevate liver enzymes would put this procedure off but the GI doc feels they have been elevated for too long so we need a better idea of why. The worst part of the whole thing is that he honestly told us the results may simply come back as “unspecified changes” (in Max’s liver tissue), which is what most of Max’s test results indicate. We have come to accept Max’s “unspecified changes” but it just makes it so hard to put him through invasive testing to be told that there are abnormalities which cannot be treated because there is nothing specific to treat. The surgery will also extend our stay in Baltimore to be sure that Max has plenty of re-coup time before flying home.

Max knows we are staying longer than usual and even has an inkling as to why but he’s putting a positive spin on it all by assuming a longer stay means more DC cupcakes (one of his favorite TLC food shows) as provided by another of his adoring fans, my college roommate. Karen, I suggest you come through with his stash because everyone’s life will be miserable if there are no treats for Max!

Before closing I wanted to thank everyone who has helped us with this trip: the prayers and well-wishes are needed and much appreciated. We could not walk this journey with Max if it wasn’t for everyone who has stood beside us the whole way. Some we know and who have become family and those we don’t but we feel your love for Max all the same. Thank you.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Hang in there Pat! I had to laugh at your er uniform! I had a time when I was at the er a lot with various family members, & I had my uniform too...& I learned to throw a book and a toothbrush and a snack in my bag if I had time. Hope all is quiet for now, and that the plans for the trip are going smoothly.