Sunday, March 1, 2009

It’s Official

My stint as a single mother continues. Michele is still up to his ears in Italian bureaucracy and here we are on day 18 and my sanity is on shaky ground (what else is new?). While I know he is working very hard to finish and get home I also can’t help but think that while he is busting his backside all day to finish one piece of paperwork or another he’s also eating better (way, way better), drinking excellent wine, having his laundry done for him, and most importantly he is sleeping! Sleeping! Did you hear me? He’s actually sleeping! I could probably live with anything else on the list but I must admit I am most jealous of the fact that he’s sleeping…the wine is a pretty close second for those of you who might be counting.

On the home front there is very little to report, no floods, earthquakes or other natural disasters to speak of. Unless of course you count the broken TV remote that caused some very serious tremors this week. My children have been forced to manually change channels, the horror of it all! When I suggested that we always had to get up, cross the room and change the channels when we were kids what response did I get? “Yeah, but that was like in the 50’s or something when you only has three channels to search through.” Oh right, I forgot how difficult it must be to surf through 200+ channels after the exhausting walk from the sofa!

This week also ushered in the start of Lent and after careful consideration Max has decided to give up Sponge Bob for the next 40 days. I should clarify this by letting you know my son is not this pious, he was content to give up candy until I pointed out that he doesn’t even eat candy so there was very little sacrifice involved. Thus it was decided that no Sponge Bob was the way to go (this was a win-win situation, Max is learning sacrifice and I’m not listening to an animated sponge 24 hours a day, hallelujah!), of course this lasted for about as long as it took us to drive home from church. When reminded that he had to bypass the dreaded channel (yes, manually) he immediately asked if God allowed for changes in sacrifices. I suggested that as far as I knew God does not have an exchange policy for Lenten sacrifices – you break it, you bought it! You gotta give him points for trying….

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend!

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