Thursday, August 13, 2009

And so it begins.....

On Monday the kids started a new school year. Gone are the days of endless hours of TV, computer and video games. Gone are the days of no schedules, late dinners, and most importantly NO HOMEWORK WARS! Life as I came to know it has officially ended.

Obviously the kids were equally excited about the start of the academic year. Ellie started high school and it's not only a school change but her first ever venture into the public school system and all that this entails. Max took the whole thing in stride as he usually does. His classroom this year includes 31 kids! Word on the street is that his new teacher is a no-nonsense, get your work done, stay organized and do it all quietly type of girl. I've been told you can hear a pin drop in her room. And then came Max....God help them both!

So all in all we seem to be surviving the first few days of school...that is if you overlook putting children on wrong buses to wrong schools (that's a whole other story)...

Enjoying the last few hours of summer freedom.

Why is Max's desk the only one directly facing the blackboard?

Could this be the last smile we see for the next nine months?

Walking to the bus...the wrong bus that is!


Ann said...

c'mon, we want to hear the wrong bus story! (although, I'm sure Ellie was not happy about it).

Vicki said...

Hi Patricia, Hope all is well at your house. I agree with Ann...I want all the gory details of the wrong bus story!