Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hopkins - Post-Op Day Fifteen

Another day of sitting around and waiting. Doctors come in, doctors go out, in, out, in, out and another day passes. We're pretty much in a holding pattern waiting to see what Max's fevers will do, figuring out if there's an infection worth treating or not, and of course, getting his coumadin at a stable "therapeutic range". It always seems like it's the "little things" at the end that take up the most time, probably because at this point everything seems too long.

And while the time crawls and home seems painfully far away we know that there are many excellent doctors and speciality services all working diligently to make sure that Max and his shiny new valve are safe and healthy. I simply CANNOT imagine being anywhere other than Hopkins. Everyone takes such care with Max and they listen to us and our questions and it is a true dialogue, together as a team we are making decisions and mapping Max's plan of care for the next few months. Physicians that listen to and learn from parents....believe me, you DON'T see that very often at all!

Today's Pics:

Hospital BINGO!!!

Did he really just win University of Maryland boxers?


Michelle said...

what a kid! :)

Cass Dawson said...

Love it all. Prayers continued and as always, love to you all.