Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Surgical Update - 7 in the PICU (10:45 PM)

Max is now in the PICU, his blood work and vital signs are all pretty much where they want them to be. At this point the things to watch are: keeping his blood pressure low, slowing the bleeding, and keeping his pain in check. Unfortunately Max "knows" their drugs and has a high level of tolerance, in fact at this point they've stopped administering the pain meds "as needed" and changed over to a constant drip. The joke has become that Max will win all the drinking games in college because it takes A LOT to "intoxicate" him.

Tonight we're praying for his vitals, lab work, and drainage tubes to all remain in normal parameters and that he can rest comfortably which will all lend itself to him getting off the ventilator tomorrow. In the cardiac surgery world every tube, every line, every everything they remove from your body puts you one step closer to the door.

I will update tomorrow....stay tuned.....


Chris A said...

I know it has been a long day for you all but it sounds like a good one in the heart surgery world.

Sleep well and heal Max.

with Hope,
~ Chris A ~

Ann said...

Glad to hear things went well. Hope you and Max get some much needed rest tonight.


Vicki said...

Just had a chance to check in for the first time today. Glad to hear Max did well. Hope you all have a restful night.


Ranah said...

I'm so glad Max is doing well. He is my hero and I've never even met him.

Lord, please envelop Max in your healing energy and help ease his pain.

Anonymous said...

Max and Family,

I'm sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Praying for a speedy recovery for you, Buddy. God Bless all of you.

Kyle Hutchins (HopeKids)