Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How we spent our holiday weekend....

....we did absolutely NOTHING! Perhaps it was the 118 degree weather or perhaps it was just the need to do nothing after 30 days of doing "something", either way it was neither glamorous or exciting. The only "big event" of the weekend was Max's long awaited return to his pool. Nearly six weeks after school let out, summer has finally begun at the Marangella house!

Tuesday afternoon postscript:

Evidently doing "nothing" is less than appealing to Max so early this morning he decided to go with the ever exciting nosebleed. Now it's not that Michele and I don't like a good fire drill but a dawn nosebleed on a kid tanked up on coumadin has an extra special sense of hysteria attached to it. As of now all seems OK and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Max for waiting until after midnight to instigate a trip to the hospital. Thanks Max, my offcial "out-of-the-hospital on the 4th of July" stats have improved to 3 for 10!

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