Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Heaven and Hell All Wrapped Up into One Long Weekend!

After a long, hot, tumultuous summer the Marangella's decided to "hit the road" for the Holiday weekend. For the first time in a very long time we did NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING and what a luxury it was! We laid on the beach all day and slept all night, it was sheer heaven.

Heaven came to a screeching halt however when we noticed that Max's left foot was bright red and swollen. He had fallen off the treadmill earlier in the week (the skinniest member of the family seems to be the only one who actually uses the contraption) which resulted in a nasty cut. Our first reaction was concern about whether or not the cut would clot due to his Coumadin dose, we are happy to report that it did clot but not before a nasty infection set in. Long story short we came home and went straight to the ER, it seems we just CAN'T stay away from the place!

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