Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bye, Bye Coumadin!

It's official!! This week after hitting the three month post-op milestone and a GREAT appointment with Max's cardiologist he is no longer taking the dreaded blood thinner. No more constant blood draws, worrying about the resulting blood levels, and most importantly no more living in fear of a cut or bruise. We all feel like we've been liberated from what I have referred to these last months as the second phase of hell this valve replacement has been.

Coumadin is gone and Max's two most recent echo cardiograms show an incredible aortic valve repair, a high functioning heart, and very little if no leakage from his other valves. All things that seemed impossible three months ago as we sat in a pediatric intensive care unit with a child who refused to play by the "open-heart surgery recovery book". Once again in his own time and his own way Max has succeeded in surprising his parents and his doctors. Why do I ever doubt this kid?

Speaking of doctors I am overjoyed to report that we have FINALLY found a fantastic pediatric cardiologist in Phoenix. Another thing I thought impossible just three months ago (see my earlier post of June 29th). This doctor has been wonderful to work with, he called me several times a week to discuss Max's coumadin labs, sits with us through the entire echo and describes in detail everything he is seeing, and is incredible with Max. One of the things I admire most about Dr. Puntel is that he actually WANTS Hopkins opinion and instructions regarding Max's care, he ASKS for it! What I find most interesting about this collaborative spirit is that it's coming from a doctor who I would actually trust to make his own decisions about Max's care. That's something that hasn't happened in many, many years. Fingers crossed that Phoenix doesn't cause this man to run screaming from this city.....


Vicki said...

Glad to hear your good news.
What a relief for your family.

Ruba said...

Happy for Max and for you guys. P.S. I had to look up the word Coumadin:)