Monday, December 5, 2011

Iron Chef

On Saturday, in the middle of the mayhem of preparing for Hopkins, Max was invited to be "pastry chef for the day" at The Phoenician, a very swank resort in Scottsdale. The task at hand? To help finish the largest gingerbread house in Arizona!

After watching the Food Network for years and years Max was certain he was up for the challenge and was sure to offer the Executive Chef and the Executive Pastry Chef a tip or two he has learned watching many episodes of "Iron Chef". Not too sure what they made of Max and his suggestions but everyone was gracious and provided all of us with a lovely morning.

It's not often that we get to rub elbows with the rich and famous!

Dressed for the Job

Hard at Work

Learning from a Pro....Executive Chef at The Phoenician

It Takes a Village to Build a Gingerbread House

Setting Up the Train

Finishing Touches

Satisfied with a Job Well Done

1 comment:

Vicki said...

What fun!