Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's Still Good....

Despite a bit of a scare yesterday concerning the CAT scan results of Max's heart and the status of his aorta and Mitral valve everything is fine, or in the words of the cardiac surgeon "perfect". Of course Max's "perfect" is relative but it's still better than "not perfect". We went from once a year visits to another valve replacement back to once a year visits in slightly over 12 hours. Just another whirlwind of emotions in the world of raising a chronically ill child.

So indeed it seems like we're done here at Hopkins for a while. Although it was decided that we could resume our every 12 month pilgrimage to our medical Mecca we have decided, together with some of the doctors, that we will return in June. Basically this decision was motivated by a few things, one, everyone thought one last check wouldn't hurt and two, more importantly we wouldn't get stuck here in the winter anymore. Obviously, although I don't want to return so soon I just couldn't turn down dispensing with our winter tour of duty.

Overall this has been a great trip and it feels good to leave knowing that Max is doing well. In fact this is probably the best he has been in a very long time. Perhaps we are finally getting some well deserved "down time". We can only hope....


Chris A said...

This news sounds like the VERY BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!


with Love and Hope,
~ Chris A ~

Vicki said...

Good to hear your well-earned good news. Merry Christmas.