Friday, March 20, 2009

Zoo Saturday

No I am not referring to a typical Saturday at our house. This past Saturday Christie (or Saint Christie as I refer to her) who is both Max's occupational therapist and respite provider took the kids to the Phoenix Zoo. It was a win-win situation all the way around, the kids were thrilled to go to the zoo and Michele and I were thrilled with the peace and quiet and the ability to simply run errands without the kids. As we rode around town I had to fight the urge to turn around and yell at the backseat -- there were no squabbling children to yell at! What a noise from the backseat!

Christie brought these by last night so I thought I'd share a few photos of my animals interacting with their counterparts!

Max checking to see if the stingrays are hungry. He didn't need that hand anyway!

Ellie refers to these as her "homies". Is she trying to tell us something?

Max's first car.

Preparing for the cardiac triathlon?

Wishing you all a great Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to see your post today! I was beginning to worry about you. I know I haven't said hi for a while, but I check in regularly. Looks like the kids have both grown up a lot this winter, and like they had a lot of fun at the zoo. Glad Michele made it home ok. Take care!