Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Not So Good to Go....

Seconds after I hit the "Post" button on my earlier entry my phone rang, it was Max's Nurse Case Manager from APIPA (his State Medicaid plan). She was calling to let me know that none of Max's care next week, the appointments, the testing, the surgery, none of it would be covered by them. Really?! Because I was promised last fall by the same folks that Max was being given a Case Manager so that we would no longer have these issues. It seems that this was just another untruth (so as not to say lie) to keep an angry mother at bay.

The nurse actually sat and read the notes to me from the doctors at Hopkins, the ones that said Max is losing an important component of his vision and yet still was being denied surgery. It's truly not her fault, she tried, it just seems that the State of Arizona has put a price tag on a child's vision and has decided it was too expensive. Rather sarcastically I asked if the Seeing Eye dog would be covered.

We aren’t asking the State to pick up the whole bill; we’re asking them to pay the “leftovers” of what our private insurance does not pay. At most we’re talking about a few thousand dollars. So I guess Max’s vision isn’t worth $2,000 dollars and I will soon be receiving phone calls from the billing department at Hopkins. The fun truly never ends…..

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