Friday, October 7, 2011

This and That....In Pictures

I realize that I have been SUPER bad about posting lately but the kids have so much going on with school, sports, and the ever present doctors' appointments that I can't tell if I'm coming or going! So in a feeble attempt to update everyone on the "goings on" at the Marangella Ranch, here's some pics of "Fall 2011".

What's fall without a little baseball? Are you checking out these seats RIGHT behind home plate? His smile pretty much sums it up....

Giving "knuckles" to Gonzo, one of his favorite baseball legends!

Max decided to introduce himself to the AZ Diamondback's President and other dignitaries...... it me or does this guy's face say, "Who the heck was that kid?"

The excitement of Junior Year Homecoming....for Ellie. Michele and I were dying, where did that girl in heels and a strapless dress come from?

Watching baseball play-offs and harassing his big sister.

One pretty girl wasn't enough for Max. So he decided to pose with Ellie and her friend Becca.

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