Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life Through the Eyes of an Eight Year Old

Max has always had a very keen sense of his surroundings, his "people" (as he calls us), and the general state of all things important. So recently I started to take note of some of Max's one-liners, some I have heard firsthand from my son, others unfortunately have been shared with "outsiders" suggesting that more people than I know are privy to the insanity of this family. These thoughts are in no particular order mostly because you just can't organize crazy.
  1. Our house is OK.....if you like loud.
  2. Ellie is as crazy as hot sauce.
  3. Mommy and Daddy can't love one another anymore -- they're married!
  4. Do all Moms drink wine when they make lunch? (Hey wait, I wasn't drinking it I was cooking with it....)
  5. I don't have to do what my parents tell me to do because they can't remember what they told me to do.....(has my son pre-diagnosed us with Alzheimer's?)
  6. Daddy didn't used to yell but he lives with Mom and we all know how that goes....
I could probably continue this list but I think I've embarrassed us enough for one night.....

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend all!

1 comment:

Christie said...

I like #5!