Wednesday, November 10, 2010


As it is with most things in our lives today’s biopsy did not go as smoothly as we had hoped. During the procedure Max’s liver was bruised and bled, the doctor saw the blood clot so he felt confident that the bleeding would not be significant enough to cause serious problems. However, this is Max and everyone tends to be over protective with him and so we have been admitted for observation tonight. As you can imagine Max was not very pleased with this decision and so the Recovery Room nurses saw very little of his charming nature. Instead they were faced with a rather belligerent child blaming the world for his problems and demanding tacos. Evidently most patients do not wake up from anesthesia screaming for Mexican food so no one knew what to do. Thankfully his GI doc knows Max and his appetite and so we were given the blessing to run down to the Cafeteria for a “Taco Supreme” plate. Max’s tacos must have become a folklore of sorts because every doctor and nurse that walked into our room asked me incredulously if it was really true that Max was able to eat like that moments after waking up. My answer was, “Look we’re on number 37 here and he’s capable of just about anything!”

And so Michele and Ellie are preparing to leave and Max and I are settling into our hospital digs. Here are a few photos from the Recovery Room, notice the less than enthusiastic smile on his face.


Chris A said...

I think his less than enthuiastic smile is cute:)

When will you get the results of the biopsy?

with Love, Hope and Prayers,
~ Chris A ~

Cass Dawson said...


Thank you so much for keeping all of us who cannot be there with all of you updated. Please give Mr. Max a big smooch for me and let him know that I am excited to see him in January if not before. BTW...where are the pictures with you in them?

Many hugs to all,
