Friday, November 5, 2010

Tomorrow’s the Day

We’re officially in the midst of the last minute details for tomorrow’s trip to Hopkins. This is the part that always makes me the craziest: preparing, packing, confirming flights and appointments, making sure we have a place to stay, etc., etc. I just really hate the logistics of it all, incredibly, I tend to handle the medical stuff better….or at least I think I do until I’m hit in the face with it!

Basically it comes down to this: I’m spastic that I’ll forget something which in my mind is tantamount to complete and total disaster! Of course there’s really nothing that we could forget that can’t be replaced when we get there, we are going to hospital after all and it’s missing meds that freak me out the most. So I remind myself to breathe, slowly and calmly breathe.

Max on the other hand is as calm as I am hysterical. In his usual manner he has put a positive spin on the whole thing. He is looking forward to the plane ride, the cupcakes he will soon be receiving from Karen, and a quick sightseeing tour of DC so he can see where his Mom used to live. I love that he does all of this with a smile on his face, in the end it does make it easier for us knowing that he’s OK.

For those of you wishing to follow along with next week’s events I’ll be keeping the blog updated so feel free to check in on our medical adventures. Send lots of good thoughts and prayers Max’s way so all the news we get will be good news. Also a prayer or two for his hysterical mother is always appreciated!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I'm always crazy before a trip, I'd be over the edge preparing for a trip like this! Try to remember to breathe! Hope you have a safe, smooth trip, and the doctors have nothing but good news for Max.