Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Star is Born.....

again...in his own mind!

Much to our surprise Michele opened the paper this morning to find a HUGE photo of his son on the front page of the "Living" section of the Arizona Republic. We had no idea the story was going to run because we had been interviewed months and months ago. We were so happy to share our story of Max's room makeover with the paper because we love the folks at Room for Joy and we would do anything for them that might help another child get one of their fantastic rooms!

Max brought the article to school with him to show everyone. He didn't realize this would backfire on him. When he came home he complained (at length) about his lack of privacy during lunch today because EVERYONE "wanted to know what it was like to be a star". He asked, "Do these kids not know that even I, a star, need my me time?" This kid and his ego NEVER cease to amaze me!


Vicki said...

I saw the photo this am & thought..."wait a minute....I know that kid!" What a nice surprise to see Max & read his interview. Tell him he's just destined to live life as a star and that he will have to learn to deal with his star-struck followers! Ah, the price of fame. :)

Chris A said...

We saw the article and pictures...it was Great!

When are you going to John Hopkins?

with Hope,
~ Chris A `