Thursday, December 11, 2008

At the Finish Line

Max’s tests, doctor appointments, pokes and prods have officially been completed. He is a very happy boy! When we finished today around lunch time we asked him how he wanted to celebrate, he could have any treat he wanted and what did he pick? A walk at the Inner Harbor (btw, it poured today and it was a cold, damp rain) and to eat fish. Off we went, Max was thrilled to case seagulls in the rain and eat calamari. After the week he had he truly deserved it. Michele and I deserved the nap we took when we got back to the house….

We spoke to Dr. Vricella, Max’s cardiac surgeon, today. He was pleased with what he saw on the MRI. He thought Max’s aortic valve looks better than he expected it to, in fact he thought it may even look better than it did last year. His only suggestion was to double his Cozaar dose which Dr. Dietz had already done on Tuesday so he was happy with that. He told us to have a repeat echo in 4 – 6 months and send it to him for review. So there you have it, “Arrivederci Johns Hopkins!”

A quick update to last night’s post, they found a liver for the little girl and she’s in the OR right now. The liver looked good and came from a perfect match so we are all praying for success. The little boy with the brain tumor has been moved to “the floor”, in the medical world we consider that a step towards the front door! Thoughts and prayers do really work!

Thanks for checking in…..we are now officially on the Baltimore minus 12 months track!

1 comment:

Ann said...

Glad to hear all is well. Have a safe trip home.