Friday, January 23, 2009

Quick Update

We didn’t get our wish; Max is off to the pediatrician with Michele later today. We probably let it go too long but we really hate having to take him in for steroids so we gave it the “‘old college try” at home with around the clock breathing treatments. Because Max spends enough time in doctors’ offices we do our best to not subject him to even more time among medical professionals. It’s not that Max doesn’t like to go, heck it gives him the chance to charm the nurses a bit, it’s just that there are sick people there (like Max isn’t!) and we don’t like to expose him to any more germs then he already has!

After three nights of no sleep for all of us and the level of discomfort that Max is obviously feeling we know we need to do something before the weekend. Because most Urgent Cares won’t deal with Max (when they ask me for a medical history and medication list and I have to ask for a second sheet of paper to answer all the questions they usually invite me to take my son elsewhere and not return) waiting any longer would mean an ER run down to PCH and I can guarantee you NONE of us want to do that.

Wish us luck…and sleep!

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