Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hopkins - Post-Op Day Fourteen

Two weeks ago today almost to the hour Max was whisked past us going from the OR to the PICU. Since then so much has happened, the days are blurs, our minds are foggy. But today as I watched Max whip around the 4th floor going in and out of the playroom, even going down to the cafeteria with Ellie I almost forgot the nightmarish post-op week and a half in the PICU. The ventilator, the diminished heart function, the fevers, it all seems so long ago even if in reality it was just last week. As Max's physical pain has eased so too has our intense emotional pain, we never really forget any of it but God has blessed us with the ability to reflect on the good that has come from all of this and not dwell on what went wrong.

Today's pics:

A gift from Gabby

A rare occasion caught on film!


Chris A said...


Any talk of the "H" word?

with Love and Hope,
~ Chris A ~

Ranah said...

God bless all of you. I'm so happy to see that Max is doing so well.

Cass Dawson said...

Yay.... and way to go Ellie! Card was sent today. Prayers continued. Hugs to everyone from AZ