Friday, June 24, 2011

Hopkins Wrap Up

As I sit here looking around our room, suitcases piled high, Max sleeping next to me, it finally feels real....the roller coaster has slowed to a stop and the terrifying ride is least for now. And at the moment "now" is all that matters.

Max's blood work this morning looked great. Because he's had a few consecutive days of being in "range" with his coumadin they are giving us tomorrow off, which means we don't need to go to Hopkins' ER (only the ER draws blood on Saturdays) in the morning for another draw. However it is still too early in Max's therapy to go more than one day without checking his levels so bright and early Sunday morning you can find us at Phoenix Children's ER having a check. Max's doctor here has already called PCH with the order so as long as nothing gets screwed up on the AZ end we shouldn't have to spend too much of our first day home in a hospital. But who really cares? At least we'll be home!

Before I go back to packing (or at least watching Michele pack) I want to thank everyone who sent messages, cards and presents, and even visited Max. It meant so much to him, and us, to know that everyone at home was thinking of him and praying for him to get well.

I guess there's just one thing left to say......Arizona here we come!


Cass Dawson said...

Yay, Yay, Yay..... So happy for all of you. Once again you can sleep in your own beds and life will once again be "back to normal". Congrats, safe flight home....and let me know when you are ready for a Starbucks Patricia! Love you all and big smooches to Max. <3

Chris A said...

"There's No Place Like Home."

with Love and Hope,
~ Chris A ~

Michelle said...

Fantastic! I can hear the smile in your "voice"! Whee!