Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hopkins - Post-Op Day Twelve

Today we are officially in the hospital longer than we were for Max's surgery in 2007 and we thought that stay went on forever......

The hot topic (no pun intended) of the day wasn't really the fevers anymore, that fire drill seems to have past. Today's issue centers around Max's lab results which indicate that his coumadin (blood thinner) levels are extremely high -- obviously this puts him at an increased bleeding risk so caution has been the order of the day.

Yesterday we had a great visit from some AZ friends who are vacationing in the area, it was so nice to see some familiar faces. Bob and Terri we can't tell you how much your visit meant to all of us!

A visit from home - Max and his football buddy Chris

Tonight's prayers: please pray that Max will have no bleeding issues whatsoever, that his blood work will show no sign of infection, and that the fevers will subside.

Stay tuned.....


Cass Dawson said...

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Vicki said...

Look at that smile on his face! That's good to see.

Love ya,